Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Goodbye Cory and Bree/Pioneer Day

Last family gathering with Cory and Bree for the next 3 years:( 
Good Luck in Michigan you guys!

Swimming and Hot Tubbing

Nils- Is this not how everyone looks when they dive? Haha
Cory improved the look....but only slightly:)

Hand Walking Competition

Brees beautiful flip...

Nils attempted the next flip! :)

We had a family BBQ  and Noah, Easton and I were there. Guess we didnt take any pictures though?

The actual grabbing of road snacks and driving away:(

 I dont think the boys understand how far away Michigan is? All they care about at the moment is the GIANT truck!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Blomquist Family Pictures

Our attempt at a current  Blomquist family picture before Cory and Bree are off to Michigan for college:) They turned out pretty great considering it was last minute and taken on a timer...except that my boys were grumpy in the first one??

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My little garbage man

Its such a simple chore...empty the small garbage cans?? Not with an imagination like Noahs! He will find a way to make it an exciting ordeal one way or another:)

Saturday, July 14, 2012


After a few mishaps with camping grounds we had our "both sides of the family camping weekend" up Logan Canyon this year. Grandma Crazy, Papa Hey, Kenzi, Madi, Kyle, and Nils got to stay the whole time and the Whytes and Murdocks came for lunch on Saturday. It was alot of fun and Logan Canyon has some fun historic rock buildings and such that are great to explore:)

 Easton and his Big Stick!! haha...it doesn't take much!

Can't camp without a campfire! We had to search to find a place that allowed them!

The River (it ran through the back of our sights)

Eastons collection of worms that he found down by the river:)

Kyle and Nils found it necessary to bath every morning...the water was FREEZING FREEZING cold!!

The boys eventually braved up enough to play in the water a little and "fish" Of course only after their life jackets were packed up and Easton had put dry clothes on??


Getting braver and totally freaking Mom out!!

A boy and his Daddy!! AWESOME:)

Convinced Madi to join:)

 Just hanging around camp:)

Nils was enjoying Kyles hammock by the river...

...until Kyle saw how relaxed he was!



One MESSY face!

The "men" were loading up camp while the "women" were enjoying the shade and cool breeze off the water...wait, no...I mean watching the kids and keeping them out of the way:)

Loaded up and heading out.. all buried in blankets and pillows:)

 Easton was out before we even pulled out of the campground...pretty sure 
Keith is excited to go home and shower:)